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AWS Well-Architected Best Practices - Intensive Training

Data 01.07.24
Località del corso Digicomp Lausanne
Avenue de la Gare 50
1003 Lausanne
+41 21 321 65 00
Prezzo CHF 900.-
Buoni formazione continua accettati


This course provides a deep dive into the AWS Well-Architected Framework and its 5 pillars. It also covers the Well-Architected Review process, and using the AWS Well-Architected Tool to complete reviews.


We recommend that attendees of this course have attended the following course (or equivalent knowledge). Please note that the Security Engineering on AWS (AWSS04) is only applicable when you are part of the Cyber Security track:

Pubblico target

This course is intended for the following job roles:

  • Solution Architect
  • Cyber Security

Why should you attend this specific course? What are my benefits from taking this course? The Voice of the Instructor answers these questions. We have asked our instructor team to write a short text about WHY this course is very relevant for the respective job roles and what you can expect from attending the course. You can find this section in the course description under the «Additional Information» section.

Ulteriori informazioni

Data 01.07.24
Località del corso Digicomp Lausanne
Avenue de la Gare 50
1003 Lausanne
+41 21 321 65 00
Prezzo CHF 900.-
Buoni formazione continua accettati
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